A few of the men who represent the
Architectural Committee are,
L. to R.:
George Kontogiannis, Fr. Anthony Sarris,
Randy Woodings, James Jelett, and Nick Soulas.
The construction of this facility will
greatly enhance the downtown area of Columbus and will be a tribute by the Greek-Americans of central Ohio to their forefathers who
settled here with hopes of prosperity and a
good life for their descendants.

Since the beginning, the co-chairmen
for raising have been Charles Tzagournis
(left) George Brown. They have undertaken enormous task that requires hours of
telephone time and personal contacts. The
chairmen are greatly assisted by Chris Bouzounis, Sam Harachis, Kosmas Synadinos, George Sicaras, Nick Mamais, Peter Manos, George
Spantithos, Tass
Sicaras others.