On June 25,1988, a premiere performance
will take place at Annun-
ciation Cathedral in Columbus. It will be "The Divine
Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom," written by
Steven Phillips.
Many will remember Steve during
1971-73 when he directed the Annunciation
Choir. A native of Columbus, he graduated
from OSU in 1975 and then moved to New
York. He did his graduate studies in New
York, England, and Austria. He has composed and performed a number of his own
works before distinguished audiences here
and abroad. Steve has also combined journalism along with his music career. He has
written countless scripts for shows and articles<
for publications. From May, 1983, until June,
1987, he was Executive Editor of GREEK
ACCENT magazine, a slick national publication written in New York.
Phillips' two-part liturgical choral work
is designed to recapture the Byzantine style of
music. The performance is part of the
celebrations marking the 75th anniversary.
Steve is the son of Jo Ann Phillips and
grandson of Helen Skufis.