

Growing up Orthodox means different things to all of us. For those who came here from Greece and for the first generation born here, an understanding of Orthodoxy came mostly through the traditions of the parents and grand-parents. Sometimes the Greek School was used as a vehicle for the priest to instruct the children in the faith. By and large, the Orthodox flock in America was not well taught in doctrinal matters. An untaught body of people soon allows notions and ideas to creep in that may not square with Orthodox belief. Realizing this, the Arch-diocese instituted a department of religious education. With a new generation of literate thinkers, the demand for answers was critical.

An attempt has been made to provide answers in the form of leaflets and books authored by good Christian writers and priests. It was with this in mind that our Orthodox Christian Bookstore was begun in February, 1979.

Tom and Anna Leontis

In the beginning it consisted mostly of pamphlets and limited supplies of books. Over the years it has grown and now stocks Bibles and excellent books on questions of faith, social problems, marriage, aging, dying, and life after death. A handsome free-standing shelf unit


was purchased, and the bookstore occupies one corner of the auditorium. It does a flourishing business each Sunday during coffee hour. The bookstore also stocks children's Bible stories, coloring books, and cook books, and there is a nice selection of icons and crosses. The bookstore is operated by Anna and Tom Leontis, who have dedicated themselves totally to this project from the very start. Each Sunday bulletin contains a brief book review to acquaint the reader with what is available. No Orthodox believer needs to wander in a fog any longer.

The bookstore occupies an entire room at the Greek Festival each year and is a fine witness to the American public. People come in to purchase our literature and acquaint themselves with the tenets of our faith.


L. to R.: Catherine Kalliantas, Sue Manuselis, and Terry Morgan.

This large wall area is located by the double doors that go into the sanctuary. Usually cluttered with announcements and notices, it looked unsightly. Ten years ago, some members of the Bible study group asked if they could enhance the wall with artwork and verses of Scripture. It seemed more appropriate to prepare the worshipper visually before entering the church. Terry Morgan and Catherine Kalliantas began together and in time were joined by Sue Manuselis. They change the message each month and use some very imaginative artwork to carry out the Scripture verse. They credit the Holy Spirit with giving them the inspiration for the theme each time.

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