Greece has suffered many upheavals in
her history. Our membership shows it in the
periods when immigration was heaviest. In recent years the migration has tapered off greatly.
However, in other parts of the world our Orthodox brothers and sisters continue to suffer
under totalitarian regimes and oppression.
About six years ago a fresh wave of refugees
came to our door. Only a few came at first, but
the numbers have grown to 230 in the Columbus area. These people are the Eritreans.
They come from a small country in East Africa
which was annexed by Ethiopia over 25 years
ago. This sparked a war which continues today.
These families have suffered tremendous personal losses. Yet they are dignified, proud
people who are trying to settle in a new land.
Coming from an Orthodox Coptic tradition,
they are accustomed to our worship service; so,
naturally, they worship with us. They participate in all services and special holidays. Their
children are in our Sunday School and youth
On Saturdays they conduct their own
language and culture school downstairs. They
have four teachers, and, like the Greeks, are
trying to preserve their heritage and language.
Most of the adults are studying for degrees and
diplomas to become well educated and provide
a good living for their families. We can only
admire their perseverance.