Parish council elections are held every
two years. The congregation votes for the
candidates of their choice by secret ballot. Up
until 1987 we have had 16 members on the
Parish Council. With this year's election we
will increase the number to 21. Decisions
calling for a community wide vote are decided
at General Assembly meetings involving the
entire church membership. Usually two such
meetings are held in a year.
The elections are very orderly and
democratic. General Assembly meetings can
be emotion-filled, but are still much quieter
than ones held in the early days. The first
election in 1913 had two rival parties and the
atmosphere was tense as each side wanted his
own man to win. When the election was over
the winner invited all the voters to his home
for a big dinner to show his desire for unity
and harmony. It was a good beginning.

Seated L. to R.: Carl Christman,
Charles Tzagournis, Fr. Anthony Sarris,
Parish Council President Tom Chase, Nick
Standing L. to R.: Lorna Haines,
Manuel Tzagournis, Marge Paras*, George
Manuselis, Nick Mamais, John Manos, Nick
Soulas, Aristotle Matsa, Christ George, James
Jelett, Chris Protopapas, Tom Leontis*, John
Morgan, Jr., Sam Tornik
* Former parish council members