The American Hellenic Educational
Progressive Association is a national organization formed in 1922. Originally designed to
help new arrivals from Greece get established
and assimilated into mainstream American
society, its aims and goals have widened over
the years.
The Columbus chapter was founded in
1927. As do all local chapters, ours supports
all of the special projects brought to its attention by the national headquarters. In addition, it has done a lot locally. In the 1950s it
paid to remodel the church basement into a
chapel. It donated $1,000 to the Project
Paideia program in the 1970s and has pledged
$10,000 to the cathedral building fund.
It has hosted district conventions and
in 1934 hosted the national convention, during
which time the Mayor of Columbus pro
claimed it Greek Week. Parades, banners
lining High Street, and special entertainment
all made it a memorable time for Columbus.
One of the national level projects is aid
to Cyprus. Past President Tom Chase of the
Columbus chapter has made six fact-finding
trips to Cyprus on behalf of AHEPA. Tom
has served in various national capacities such
as Supreme Governor, Secretary on the
Supreme Board of Trustees, and Supreme
Treasurer in 1986-87.
The AHEPA always embraces the goal
of higher education and has a scholarship
fund. One local recipient was Doug Chrissan,
son of Peter and Marge Chrissan of Columbus.