The AHEPA holds a big charity ball at Christmas. The money made from this
gala affair goes into the treasury
to support all of the projects mentioned.

All men wearing red ties to the Christmas dance posed for a picture.
Seated L. to R.: Nick Alexander, Nikki Chalkias, George Margetis, Dimitris Papaleonardos, Evangelos Zissis, Mikis Synadinos, Nick Mamais, Pete Gesouras,
John Souhleris, Gus Bizios
Middle L. to R.: Tom Zanetos, Bill Metro,
Gus Kontras, Charles Tzagournis,
Chris Poullias, Lucas Karavolos, George Sicaras, Peter Drenovas, John Gust, Angelo
Back row L. to R.:Argirios Ragias, Van Kalvakis, John Stamatis, Carl
Christman, Nick Collis, Harry Agganis, Hristos Souhleris
At Fisherman's Wharf, all the ladies in red grouped together for this souvenir shot.
Standing L. to R.: Noelle Collis, Marge Chrissan, Diana Synadinos, Tina Mozakis, Becjy Christman, Tina Abbruzzese, Tina Mamais, Litsa Avradopoulos, (partially hidden, Irene Karavalos), Mary Morris, Helen Ballas, Maria Nicoloulias. Front: Marilyn Altemus