One Saturday a month our church provides a free dinner for about 300 needy people.
The Michaelides brothers, Seraphim and Dimitri, saw derelicts rummaging through garbage
for food. They felt something had to be done
to help the hungry so on April 4, 1983, they
started the free dinners.
Community members always contribute
large amounts of time to this endeavor. All
food and supplies are donated or paid for by
our church. Dinners for the needy is a real service of compassion.
These two men were the chief cooks for
the festivals and most any other dinner/dance
you can name. Now in retirement, they still give
their time generously to help the hungry.

The Michaelides brothers, Dimitri, left,
and Seraphim.
Marge Paras' family name was originally
Para- skevopoulos. The family moved to Columbus from Chicago when Marge was in junior
high school. She graduated from Central High
School and completed some studies at both
OSU and Columbus Business University. She
had many years' experience as a secretary in
industry before becoming the church secretary
at Annunciation in 1987.
Marge served on the parish council,
helped with the Charioteer, and has done lots of
book work as the assistant treasurer. She has
contributed much to our community with her
many talents.