Dearly beloved in Christ;
It is with a deep sense of fatherly joy that we hail the
celebration of your Seventy-Fifth Anniversary and commend you
for your diakonia to the faithful of Greater Columbus.
We look forward with you to the completion of your new
edifice and congratulate you and thank you for being a beacon
to all those seeking the love and the life of Christ.
As you commemorate your anniversary, seek to transfigure
yourselves by living your lives in the image of our Holy
Church which proclaims triumphantly the eternal "Good News" of
our Saviour. By becoming evangelists of His life we will truly
participate in a "new heaven and a new earth" wherein Ortho
doxy will remain a way of life for generations to come.
I know that
in your Church and in your daily lives, you will prayerfully cherish the priceless Orthodox heritage you
possess. That it will be your guide and inspiration as you
attend the needs of the present towards this sacred aim I
bestow upon you
all, in His Name, my fervent blessings and
affectionate good wishes.
Paternally youra,

+1 A K 0 V 0 S
Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox
Church of North and South America