
Some of the ladies who volunteered to help in the pastry shop are, standing L to R.: Demetra Chouramanis, Helen Metsikas, Katherine Trakas, Anna Polls, Helen lormk, Dorothy Volosm, Georgia Katris, Sue Spantithos, Nickie Pandelaras, Sally Kanatas, Katherine Maniatas, and Mary Maniatis. Seated: Mary Metro and Vaneie Michaelides

Cashiers on the food line at Festival '83 are, L. to R.: Christine George, Helen Brown, and Helen Chappelear

Three of the regulars who work at the bar are, L/ to R.:Lou Demis,
Tass Sicaras, and Nick Geldis

Volunteers on the food line are Despina Passias and Zoey Rorris

Hard working volunteers are, L. to R.:Anna Sauter, Nick Alexander,
Tom Chase, and Charlotte Chrissos

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