Preparing to deposit the earnings of one day at the 1976 Festival are, L. to R.: Security officer, Pete Georgiton, Tom Leontis, Denny Mardas, and Jin Jelett

Dancers at Festival '77 are, L. to R.: Vicki Gust, Dina Polites, Theky Antonios, Julie Skevos, Mary Kalvakis, Greg Zanetos, Jane Betsacon, and Cindy Paulos

Dancers at the Festival '76 were, L. to R.: Lee Chase, Jane Betsacon, Kally Repas, Helen Tornik, Peter Vatsures, Rene Gardikes, Mary Beth Kanatas, Dina Dickson, and Greg Zanetos

By 1977 our Festival was growing in popularity, and we covered the entire parking lot with a colorful tent where all the food was served |