
OFFICERS - 1987 - 88

OFFICERS -1987-88 Front row L. to R: Desy Vounousakis, John Vitellas, Fr. Sarris, President Keith Chrissanthus, Sophia Panagis

Second row L. to R.: Nick Revelos, Stacey Contakis, Meni Morris, Melina Galouzis, George Souris, Cathy Rabidis, Joy Saribalas, Greg Poplos

Third row L. to R.: Mike Chrissos, Thea Kostis, Tina Bavelis, George Caleodis, Sophia Holliger, Nicholas Panagis

Fourth row, L. to R.: Prof. Gregory Jusdanis, Prof. Vassilis Lambropoulos (Advisor), and Mivhael Saribalas.

Top row, Dean Nicolakakis.

"Sigma" is primarily a social fratority made up of Eastern Orthodox students. The advisor for the group now is Prof. Vassilis Lambropoulos. Each February they sponsor a very popular Sweetheart's Ball. People come from out of state and as far away as Canada. Attendance has grown to over a thousand each year, so they now engage the facilities of a major hotel. This year they held their forty-second annual dance where a Sweetheart and her court were presented. Scholarships are also awarded at the Sweetheart's Ball.
One Sunday a month is Youth Sunday. The Sigma Epsilon Phi cooperates by sending volunteers to usher the service, assist in the candle room, and take up the morning offering.


Shown at the candle stand, L. to R.:Bill Amurgis, Mark Doukakis, Ethel Vanezalos

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