
Over 15 years ago a handful of parishioners approached Fr. Sarris and asked him to start a Bible study. The group began meeting regularly on Wednesday evenings. They scheduled the gatherings in the homes of church members. In order to make the driving more equitable, Bible studies were rotated around the city on a weekly basis.

A topic was chosen, and passages were studied that related to that topic. After a few years the group decided to start meeting in the church lounge, where they continue to meet at this time. Terry Morgan and Sue Manuselis were instrumental in restructuring the event into a family night. While the parents were in Bible study, the children would have a Bible story or fun activity in the basement.

In time, some women formed their own Bible study that meets on Tuesday mornings. A third and more intensive Bible study meets on Monday evenings in the church lounge.


Somewhat related are the Spiritual Renewal programs that have been going on for several years. Speakers on spiritual topics are invited to come in and address the group. Authors, priests, nuns, youth leaders, and ordinary people with extraordinary stories of personal triumph over heartbreak have been some of the guests.
Filmed biographies of courage have been shown, as well as the acclaimed film series, "Focus on the Family," by Dr. James Dobson, an outstanding Christian psychologist.

Committee members are always on the lookout for insightful Christian messages to bring to the congregation.



Seated, L. to R.: Elizabeth Michaelides, Daniel Morgan, Lori Chirakos, Sam Chirakos, Chris Protopapas (song leader), Fran Protopapas holding Derek, Sophia Giatrakas
Standing, L. to R.:Fr. Anthony Sarris, Catherine Kalliantas, Kathryn Manos, Presbytera Marie Sarris, Ann Miniotis, Vangie Michaelides, Madeline Tzagournis, John Manos, Helen Brown, Terry Morgan, Julie Ballas, John Morgan, Jr., Helen Ballas, Rhea Ballas, Maria Kididis, Anna Leontis, John Volosin, Tom Leontis, Pota Tsipas, Peter Sarris

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