
While our church has had a Sunday School program for many years, the last 25have seen some remarkable changes. The teaching staff is still made up of parent volunteers; but with the help of teaching materials that are far better than in previous years, we are able to provide better music and more exciting Bible lessons for our children. One Sunday a month is craft day, when the children make a craft that reflects something spiritual. In June of each year they have the Sunday School picnic. Shortly thereafter begins a week of summer Bible School. In recent years the Bible School has been meeting in the evenings so that adults can also attend.

In the words of our Lord Jesus, "Let the little children come unto me and forbid them not." So we continue the endeavor to present youth programs to our community. They are geared to three age groups, J.O.Y. (ages 8-11), Jr. GOYA (ages 12-14), and Y.A.L. (ages 19-35). While they meet at separate times, their goals are essentially the same: worship, spiritual growth, social recreation, and service. GOYA and YAL also participate in exciting basketball tournaments three or four times per year.

The diocese offers programs, too. One of the most popular is Camp Nazareth in Mercer, Pennsylvania. Each age group spends a week at camp and meets other Orthodox youth from many other cities and states. Vans and counselors are provided twice a year for the fall and spring retreats in Mercer. These are life-changing events offering spiritual nourishment and social fellowship.


Foreground, L. to R.: Andrew Michaelides, Joey Michelakis, Michael Michelakis, Leah Michelakis, Yorgo Synadinos, Kristina Manuselis, Pavlo Synadinos, Madalynn Tzagournis, Kim Kontos, Maria Tzagournis, Steven Davies

On deck, L. to R.: Perry Kontos, George Manuselis, Amy Tzagournis, Barbara Tzagournis, Richelle Manuselis, Barbara Michelakis, Angela Kaniaris held by Peter Bournelis, Jayne Kontos, Sue Bouzounis, Sue Manuselis, Elsie Michaelides, Joan Kaniaris, Marcia Bournelis, Arthur Bouzounis


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