

Past Sunday School Superintendents since publication of last book

1960 Ethel Chakeres

1960-63 Zoetsa Kanatas

1963-65 Gari Peponis

1965-67 Irene Antonios

1967-69 Jackie Bleas

1969-71 Georgia Katris

1971-73 Maria Kididis

1973-75 Lorna Haines


Co-teachers Sue Bouzounis and Georgia Katris with the seven-year-old class in 1980. Front row, L. to R.: Matina Bouzounis, Lee Kaniaris, Jill Harachis, Annette Karonis Back row,

L. to R.: George Damian K. Synadinos, Yorgo Gesouras, Michael Karavolos

1975 - 77 Sotiri Kididis

1977 - 79 Sharon Black

1979 - 81 Madeline Tzagournis

1981 - 83 Ann Jelett

1983 - 85 Chris Xerogiannis

1985 - 87 Sharon Black

1987 - Diane Sotos

While the early 1980s may not seem so long ago to grownups, it can seem like ages ago to young people. Great changes take place in your growth and appearance between your fourth and twelfth years. During the 1970-80 school year Ann Jelett often took pictures of the classes. Here are just a few.

L. to R. Back row: Co-teachers Sharon Black and Nickie Pandelaras with their class.

Front row, L. to R.: Arthur Bouzounis, Nicole Smith, Nicky Mastrogiannakis; Back row: George Parthenakis, Dimitri Phillos, Louis Sauter.

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