This photo taken in 1935 shows a few of the GAPA band members who went to Akron to play for a convention

L. to R.: Ernie Genoozis, Tom Pathis, Gus Karres, Gus Zaglanis, Tom Zanetos, Billy Karres, Unknown, Mrs. Zaglanis, Tom Zaglanis, Bill Tornik, Bill Cannell

Modern-day color photography gives us a glimpse of the colorful uniforms worn by the GAPA band members. This cape and hat
are over 50 years old and are still in wonderful condition. Made of wool and fully lined, they had excellent workmanship. They bear testimony to the fact that good quality lasts. This set had not been stored away in mothballs over the years, but instead provided hours of childhood make-believe to the son and grandson of the original owner, Mike Kanatas


Front row, L. to R.: Unknown, Lula Zaglanis, Helen Prapas, President Sevasti Duros, Mrs. Louis Anast, Katherine Anast, Ioanna Condas, Mrs. Christodoulos.
Middle row, L. to R.: Spiro Bleas, Mrs. Kotsivas, Nick Zanetos, Gus Rorris, Mrs. Mattis, Anthony Zanetos, Anna Kanatas, Unknown, Billy Karres, Louis Anast.
Top row, L. to R.: Peter Chakeres ,Mr. Tertegas, Ted Mattis, John Freemas, George Kaptan
Mike Kehagias

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