
Visiting the GAPA convention in Akron, Ohio, in 1935 were, L. to R.: loanna Pathis, Fannie Zaglanis, Marina Chakeres, Mary Chakeres, Lula Chakeres

In April, 1948, the young women of the DOXA chapter of GAPA posed for this picture. Seated, L. to R.: Helen Apostle, Paula Mattis, Kathryn Paul, Helen Duffis, Faye Duffis, Tina Mattis; Standing, L. to R.: Mary Skufis, Jeanette Chakeres, Anna Pappas Helen Kanatas, Rena Bleas, Kiki Tertigas, Kiki Poulos

On Nov. 26,1967, Archbishop lakovos dedicated the Solomonides Center and sealed the plaque in the wall. Dr. C. H. Solomonides, far left, looks on.

Mrs. George Smerles, Mrs. Alex Bleas, Mrs. George Kehagias, little Alex Bleas Mrs. Smerles and Mrs. Bleas were among the early families in Columbus.

Years ago, when things were done with more formality, our parish council members wore official badges to their meetings George Brown displays the one worn by his father, Peter Brown.

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