From time to time the Greek community has been recognized for its achievement.
Proclamations by politicians have been numerous. Gov. Frank Lausche (1949-57) poses
with, L. to R.: Tom Kanatas, Harry Paulos
Mike Kanatas, John Manos, Gov. Lausche
Gus ?__, George Brown, ?
Theopnilos, and Dr. C. H. Solombniaes.

Gov. Michael DiSalle (1959-63) makes
a presentation for Greek Independence Day
Standing, L. to R.: Fr. Paul Economides
Parish Council President Christ Tsitouris
Nick Polites, Gov. DiSalle, James Voit, Gus
Tsitouris, George Brown

The annual Thanksgiving Dinner
Dance is very popular. The menu is a traditional American Thanksgiving feast. Some of
the men on kitchen duty are Tom Kanatas,
Pete Kanatas, Carl Christman, and Mike