

In gathering historical data one discovers that it is impossible for one body of people to have passed through three generations without pitfalls. We know that in other cities the size of Columbus, church communities have actually split over irreconcilable differences. To be fair in our documentation we must state that such an incident happened in the Columbus community in the late 1950s. Part of the church body broke away, forming a separate group that met elsewhere for a period of time. The wounds were deep, and issues were divisive to families.

In 1962 a healing gradually began to take place. Over the months the flock slowly gathered together again under one roof and we remain united today. It is to the credit of the Holy Spirit for working in people's hearts to bring about this healing. The sons and daughters born since the days of the split have a warm and caring fellowship, and we must work to continue in that spirit.


Fr. Sarris came to Columbus in 1962 and was our first priest to have a parsonage provided by the church. Built in the northwest section of Columbus in 1964, this is the home where he and Presbytera have raised their children. Some of the men on the building committee appear in this photo taken during construction.

L. to R.: C. H. Solomomdes, Seraphim Michaelides, Christ Tsitouris, Spiros Bleas, George Christ, Realtor Mr. Mclntyre, Ted Mattis, Mike Reppas, Sam Harachis, Fr. Sarris, and Journal Photographer Fred Shannon


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