

Diana and John work on the album.

An album this size cannot be put together by one or two people. It has required the cooperation of an entire community of people who have told their stories and unselfishly loaned their precious photographs. A small core of individuals have given valuable advice as the book was taking shape. I relied heavily on their recollections of events and ability to identify people in early pictures. A warm thank you for guiding this work goes to Tom Zanetos, George Brown, Mike Kanatas, Dr. George Jameson, and Tom Chase.

John Davies donated weeks of his time ar ranging the text, pictures and art layout. I consulted him regularly and trusted his excellent ability. Becky and Stan Regas gave enormous amounts of time and expertise in coordinating the groups and individuals for picture taking. Marylyn Altemus loaned 15 years' worth of pictures she has taken. Lorna Haines read old parish council minutes to aid in documentation of years and facts. Cathy Downey spent hours doing the word processing. Joan Tsibouris was a superb editor, going over every phrase, word, and punctuation mark. A great deal of time went into soliciting and coordinating all the advertising. This amounted to uncounted hours of letter writing, telephoning, and personal contacts. It was skillfully headed by Mike and Billie Chakeres and Mike Kanatas. Our liaison with the printer was Nick Mamais. My personal thanks to each one of you for your special contributions.

I especially thank the members of the Greek Orthodox community who were so open to my many visits and phone calls as I pieced together this exciting story. You allowed me to be privy to your joys and sorrows, and above all you have trusted me to tell your story. I am deeply honored.



I thank my husband Mikis and our two boys for their patience and support as this project ran on much longer than predicted.

With the blend of my love of history and our community, this commemorative book becomes a precious possession that records the pride of our community's past. I have accomplished this goal with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, meticulous inquiries, and love.

Diana Synadinos


Seated , L. to R.: Mike Kanatas, Tom Zanetos, Dr. George Jameson.

Standing, L. to R.: Nick Mamais, Becky Regas, Diana Synadinos, Billie Chakeres, Mike Chakeres, John Davies

Our hope is that with all the growth that has taken place during the past 25 years and with the decisions that have been made that affect us now and in the future, our sons and daughters will be able to look back on this period and speak well of our efforts in the 100th Anniversary Album in 2012.

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