The seventy-five years of our existence have shown how one body of people can
grow and change, yet in many ways remain unchanged. Our younger generation
eagerly looks ahead while the older generation looks back.
Looking at 1987, some of the significant things are the celebration of the 200th
anniversary of the Constitution of the United States, the 50th anniversary of the film
Snow White, Steven Newman of Ohio completing his walk around the world, and the
New York Giants' beating the Denver Broncos in the Super Bowl.
The population of the United States in 1987 is 245,900,000. An average three
bedroom home costs $78,843.00. The average income for an American is $29,896
per year. A gallon of gas is $.95. The best movie of the year was Platoon and the
best actor was Paul Newman.
Our administration is Republican, with Ronald Reagan serving his second term
as President. George Bush is the Vice President.
We include these items as a means of comparison for the reader and collector of
the yearbooks which chronicle the history of our community. The next book is
planned for publication in 2012.