

In the early style of the Byzantine liturgy our priest was accompanied by a chanter who sang responses. In time a choir was added, but even then they only hummed along a capella. In the early 1930s Mrs. J. D. Denny, an accom-plished musician, listened to our choir and transposed the music by hand into musical scores. This was the first written choir music in the Columbus church.


Mr. Pekras donated the first pump organ, and
Miss Esther Brown was the organist. An in-
teresting and humorous historical note must
be made here. Working a pump organ took a
lot of concentration and stamina. Miss Brown
was assisted by a young Tom Zanetos, who
crouched under the keyboard and pumped the
pedals by hand!


Front row, L. to R.: Mary Chakeres, Mary Karres, Jeannette Deonesos, Anna Roumeliote, Mary Karres, Esther Brown, May Kapralos

Second row, L. to R.: Theresa Kanatas, Kate Anast, Helen Prapas, Lula Zaglanis, Bess Karres, Amelia Coumanter, Erasmia Kussurelis

Back row, L. to R.: Amelia Chakeres, Helen Vyian, Athena D'Fantis, Georgia Roumeliote, Bernice Polis

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