When the shelter house was dedicated at Goodale Park, the young boys of the Gapa Band were on hand to celebrate in music.

Front row, L to R.: Tom Zaglanis, John Markopoulos, Billy Markopoulos, Tommy Chakeres, Billy Karres, Petro Kanatas, Nick Zanetos, Jimmy Pappas, Jimmy Paul, Billy Bleas, Johnny Tornik, Pete Zaglanis, Gus Soras

Back row, Lto R.: Spiro Bleas, Chris Kanatas, Jimmy Anast. Louis Kotsivas, Director J. D. Denny, Gus Karres, George Brown, Tom Zanetos, Jim Deonesos

"Teach your son to blow a horn, and he won't blow a safe" was the slogan of a Columbus music store years ago. During the years ot the Great Depression there was a spirit of defeat across the land. Not wanting to pass that on to the younger generation, the members of GAPA (Greek American Progressive Association) held fund raisers; and with the money raised they purchased fine musical instruments which were provided to any young man in the Greek community who wanted to learn to play.

For many of the young men this was the only opportunity they would ever have to play an instrument. In 1930 a well known musician, Mr. J. D. Denny, was hired to form a band and give the boys instrumental instruction Mr. Denny proved to be a very capable bandmaster, and the young group performed in parades and played in concerts in the parks. The GAPA also provided guitars and mandolins for the young women who had their own stringed instrument group.


The dining room of the Karres house on West First Avenue was pretty noisy some afternoons as brothers Billy and Gus practiced on the drums and trombone along with Mike
Chakeres on his trombone.

The Bleas home on South Grubb Avenue also rocked with the regular sounds of GAPA jam sessions.

The biggest thrill for the group was to march in the GAPA National Convention Akron, Ohio, in the early 1930s.

Mr. Gus Markopoulos was one of those generous, good-hearted dads who owned a car and drove kids home from Greek School each day. He often drove carload of kids to a ball park on Saturdays so they could play ball. Sometimes he drove the GAPA band members to Oak Park where they practiced marching drills.

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