The History of Our Church and Community
1910 to 1920
During the year 1910, the Greek people of
Columbus, Ohio, decided to organize in order to be
in position to establish a Greek Orthodox Church.
An organization was formed, officers were elected
and the first president of this new organization
was Lambros Mandros.
The first thing they accomplished was to
obtain a charter from the State of Ohio — the
purpose in obtaining this charter being to es-
tablish a church to be called EVANGELISMOS TIS
THEOTOKOU. The charter was signed by Lambros Mandros,
Charles Makris, Angel Alexopulos, Anthony Tzanetopulos,
and Louis Anast.
Three years later, a temporary committee was
appointed, which committee took steps to establish
a church. First, the Masonic Temple, located on
South Third Street near Town Street, was rented
for twenty-five dollars a month. The necessary
paraphernalia for the church were purchased from
Greek ecclesiastical stores in New York City. A
Greek Orthodox priest. Father Nathaniel Shideres,
was hired and services commenced.
That same year - 1913 - it was decided to hold
the first elections for officers of the Community.
At that time, the Greek Community of Columbus con-
sisted of about twenty-five to thirty families;
and besides those families many Greek bachelors
employed by the railroad were living in this