Automatic Electronic Funds Transfer Program (EFT)
We are now offering automatic Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) to allow you to contribute to your Stewardship pledge on a monthly basis directly from either your checking or savings account.
By participating in this new program, you will no longer need to mail a check to the Cathedral office or have to remember to bring your stewardship envelope with you to church on Sunday. Rather, we will automatically withdraw your monthly contribution from either your checking or savings account every month. Your stewardship pledge will automatically be credited.
There is no cost to you to participate in this program and it is very secure. Federal consumer safeguard regulations are even more stringent for EFT than when you pay by check, which means that EFT is more secure than conventional checking.
You can change the amount deducted or cancel the automatic deduction at any time by vising the Online Giving Portal.
We hope you will consider registering and take advantage of the convenience offered by this new program. Please do not hesitate to contact any Parish Council member if you have any questions or concerns.